5 ways for parents to reduce parental burnout during bank holidays and breaks.

The school break can be a GREAT time to spend bonding with your little ones. It can also be a time when parents feel most overwhelmed. While we, here at Kendamil, ADORE spending time with our little ones when they’re off from school or off on an extended bank holiday, we also know how difficult this time can be.

From keeping the little ones occupied to trying to manage your workload, chores and downtime at the same time: as parents ourselves, we’re here to share our tips and tricks to help you feel that bit calmer any time your little ones are off.

Some school-break triggers.

Some school-break triggers that we’ve found to be the MOST stressful are very much similar to the ones we included in our ‘How to Reduce Burnout During the Festive Season’ blog. Except, during the school-break season, it’s more concentrated, less family around and…oh yeah, the weather is thaaaat bit warmer (meaning our little ones are that bit more hyper!).

Here are some common triggers, which can leave you feeling burnt out during the school break:
  • Travelling. Especially with little ones in tow!
  • Keeping the little ones entertained.
  • Finding time to juggle chores and downtime. As working parents ourselves, we’ve worked out a way to keep the little ones entertained without compromising our work and downtime.

🤗 Set realistic expectations for yourself.

You don't expect perfection from anyone else, so don’t expect it from yourself. Setting realistic goals can mean:

Just saying no. As parents, we love this word. You can’t be expected to be everywhere at once. So saying ‘no’ when you’re overwhelmed, or when you feel that a job just can’t be completed, helps set boundaries over your time and energy. Oh, and when it comes to parental criticism or that dreaded ‘comparenting’? We have ways to help with that to remind you that you’re doing your best.
Taking time out of your day to meal-prep can save so much time and effort.
✨ Letting yourself accept help from friends and family. We know you want to try to do it all, but asking for help when you’re stressed can help to ease the feeling of overwhelm.

💬 Get some help!

Talking to friends and family (or anyone you trust) about your stress can really help to lighten the figurative load. It can be INCREDIBLY therapeutic to vent your feelings to someone you love and trust.
Plus, friends and family can help with much more than the occasional vent. It’s okay to have someone watch your little ones from time to time. Parent-swapping, babysitters and having family members around to watch over the kids while you take some time out can be heavenly!

💙 Focus on YOU.

One way to really focus on what matters is to focus on YOURSELF. Take some time out of your busy schedule to prioritise your own needs too. This can mean taking time out in the mornings or evenings to do whatever serves you - even if that means taking the time to prepare a cup of tea just the way you like it, spending a few minutes in the fresh air, journalling or visiting friends for coffee. Your me-time is crucial during this period.
Need some inspo? Our self-care e-guide has some tips and tricks for helping you unwind and prioritise yourself for those moments you need a little TLC.

😮‍💨 Get some fresh air.

Spring has sprung, and so have the beautiful flowers, green trees and gorgeous (although, still a little cold!) weather. A jog, walk or amble in the fresh air can do WONDERS for an over-stimulated mind. We highly recommend it!

⛹️‍♀️ Independent play!

Teaching your little one how to play, independently, can be massively beneficial - not just for your productivity (and peace of mind!) but to help your little one develop essential skills. Need some help? Our ‘play’ blogs have all you need to help get your little one playing independently in no time!


🥰 This school holiday, let’s flourish!

Just remember to breathe, prioritise the things which matter to YOU and remind yourself (constantly!) that it’s OKAY to put yourself first AND bond with your little ones! You can do both; you got this, KendaFam!

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